4 sept 2009

Coffee and Sex, the perfect mix.

-Two coffee cups with a delicious taste and a excellent session sex at the morning (Who said that stars can only touch at night?). So, tell me, what more can i do for you?

-Today? Nothing, thanks, you are very complacent and i´m grateful for that. now you gotta go to work, come on hurry up.

While Sack was getting ready to leave, Susan thought about the speech of his husband. She was agree about coffee, but about sex, not really.

When Susan was alone, she called a old friend from the college. His name was Gianlucca, yes, you´re right, he was italian. If you did this deduction, you can rest assured you surprised me. You are very clever.

Well, we must come back to the story.

She told him about her marital issues, so, he asked her to get out to enjoy a coffee.

And she answered with a rotund NO. And she add - I need another thing, actually, I´ve gotten enough coffee for today.

3 comentarios:

Alejandro Serafín dijo...

Hace un poco más de un año desde que escribí mi último cuento. Pido una discula por haber regresado de esta manera tan abrupta, pero estoy convencido que el reto de escribir en inglés me funcionó, jeje obvio no es un inglés perfecto pues mi único teacher es youtube y yappr jajaja.

Yazmín dijo...

No eres incomprendido, yo le entendí :)

Además, recuerda que las grandes mentes suelen ser incomprendidas hasta su muerte... esperemos que no te pase lo mismo y puedas expresar justo lo que deseas dentro de poco tiempo

Just Me dijo...

Me gusto...me gusto...
